Using custom data columns

u-Slicer allows you to add any number of Custom Data Columns to your slicers directly from u-Slicer UI.

To add a Custom Data Column:

  • Open the desired slicer.

  • Click the more button in the upper right corner of the Data Table. Column Selection Mode is activated.

  • Click the New Custom Column button in the appeared Column Management dialog box. Column Edition Mode is activated.

  • Enter the desired API name (if necessary) into the Id box. API name should contain only a-z0-9._ symbols, the first symbol should be a letter. If you do not specify Id is assigned automatically.

  • Enter the desired Title of the new Custom Data Column( Formatted  Adv Cost in this example). You can use unicode characters.

  • Enter the desired Formula of the new Custom Data Column. Formula can contain:

  • Constant numbers

  • Names of existing standard data columns (simply click the name of the required standard data column to add it to the Formula)
  • Arithmetic operators +, -*, /
  • Standard formulas from the Pick a function drop-down list:

    • Sqrt(x) - returns the square root of x.
    • Power (x, y) - returns the value of x raised to the power of y.
    • Abs(x) - returns the absolute value of x.
    • DaysRange() - returns the number of  selected calendar days.
    • Numberofdays() - returns the number of days with traffic.
    • Timeshift(x, y) - returns the x metric shifted by y days.
    • If(x, y, z) returns y if x is true and z otherwise, where x is the result of the "key (\<|>|=) value" comparison, y and z are any expressions.
    • subtotal([key_1, key_2], x) returns the x metric as if it was split by [key_1, key_2].
    • count_distinct([key_1, key_2]) counts distinct combinations of provided keys.

    NB: Total is displayed as 0(N/A) for custom columns with IF function at splitting by segmented key fields.

    NB: Total is calculated correctly ONLY if y and z are additive.

  • Select the desired value of the Access parameter ( Private or Shared) from the Access drop-down list.

  • Select the desired value of the Type parameter ( int, float or percent).

  • Select the desired value of the Precision parameter ( 0123456), enabled for float and percent types only.

  • Select the desired value of the Show percents parameter ( No, Yes or Always).

  • Select the desired value of the Optional column parameter( No or Yes) that defines whether the column is visible by default.

  • Enter the desired value of the Display pattern parameter (if necessary) in the following format: any_characters{}any_characters, where**{}** represents custom column value ( ${} in this example).

  • Click the Save as new column button.

  • If the operation is performed successfully, the new custom column is added to the list of available data columns ( Formatted Adv Cost in this example).
  • If the Display pattern parameter is used custom values are formatted correspondingly ($ sign is prefixed in this example).
  • If you entered an invalid Title and/or Formula, the target Custom Data Column is not created and the corresponding error message is displayed (like formula: Syntax error).
  • If the entered title already exists, the following error message is displayed: Column with title ' Formatted Adv Cost' already exists.
  • To delete a particular Custom Data Column, click the x button to the right of the Custom Data Column and then click the Delete button in the appeared dialog box to confirm the operation.
  • To update a particular Custom Data Column, click the corresponding <???> button, make the required changes and click the Save column button.
  • To cancel unsaved changes while editing a custom data column, click the Reset edit button.
  • To return to the Column Selection Mode, click the Cancel edit button.
  • To activate/deactivate the Fullscreen feature, click the  button. It is supported in both Column Selection Mode and Column Edition Mode.

Access types:

There are two possible access types: Private and Shared.

  • Private custom columns are available to their creators only. No one else can see, change or retrieve any data from these columns.
  • Shared custom columns are available to everyone. These columns can be used and changed by everyone with slicer access.